

Massage and our General Well-Being

We all try to take care of ourselves in a number of ways. This can be through eating a healthy diet, getting between 6-8 hours of sleep a night and taking part in regular exercise. These are all things we know about to care for ourselves. However, a massage is considered an indulgence, a treat for our selves to have every now and again. Very few of us even consider the therapeutic benefits of this treatment. 
So what can massage actually do for our well being?
Our day to day lives are stressful. Whether that be from work, our personal lives or even what is happening in the world. These stresses take a tole on our bodies every day. Let's face it, there are so many demands placed upon us every day, is it any wonder our muscles tense, we struggle to sleep or even our anxiety levels increase. 
Receiving a 1 hour massage every 4 to 6 weeks can help us reload our bodies in ways that diet or exercise cannot. Here are some of the benefits to massage.

Stress Relief and Reducing Anxiety

Massage therapy increases the production of endorphins within our bodies. Endorphins are the natural chemicals produced by our bodies that make us feel good. Stress and Anxiety increases our cortisol levels, our heart rate, our blood pressure and our oxygen consumption. These increases effect our sleep patterns and our ability to function at our optimum levels day to day.

The relaxation and feeling of elation that we experience after a massage is real, it is not in our heads. Studies have measured the impact that massage has had on individuals who have encountered emotional trauma.

 Muscle and Joint Pain Relief

 Whether you sit in an office or conduct a manual intensive job, our muscles and joints feel the stresses and strains every day. Have you finished work and your neck, back and shoulders ache? Joint stiffness and muscle tension is forever on the rise. Our lives are busy, we are always on the move and we don't allow time for our bodies to recover. 

Whether you experience back pain, knees, shoulders neck or even hands and feet, massage therapy loosens our muscle groups and relaxes stiffening joints. Massage not only reduces pain, but it improves the range of motion and overall function of our muscles and joints. 

Sleep Quality and Relaxation

We cannot maintain good health without adequate sleep. Massage therapy is proven to reduce insomnia through aiding the release of serotonin. This is the chemical released within our bodies that helps to achieve a state of restfulness.

In addition, the reduction in cortisol levels during massage triggers several brain chemistry responses. These brain responses translate into an an extended period of relaxation.
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